Empire Challenges - July 16 2018 - August 15 2018
Prop Challenge - Modeling focus
Old Neon Sign
Pretty dirty! Think you can make it look dirty without looking procedural? Building the entire sign is the goal..
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/bd/d6/9a/bdd69abcf24e4d404cf3848a27eeaec9.jpg https://goo.gl/i6mfmd
Prop Challenge 2 - Modeling focus
Ornate Lantern
Glass and metal.
https://i.pinimg.com/originals/67/56/97/675697707d1b7ab4b4ee604864981f8a.jpg https://goo.gl/oUPuQg
Substance Challenge - Material focus
Wattle and Daub
Really mix em together! Sticks mixed with dried mud.
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/281378767861973011/468164836405149706/29291_GTJ60183_2.jpg https://goo.gl/TsAoP2